ohturniton Feb 08, 2011 01:04
;____;, totally okay, party over, good times!, is this real life?, tessa is a bamf gf, john doesn't know best, bad habits, 0/0 vision 4 life, holy shit awkward, awkward :i, fml, what is life, jfc, pain for life, advil anyone?
ohturniton Dec 27, 2010 01:19
oops!, family is not cool, ;____;, totally okay, party over, is this fake?, is this real life?, shit i haven't been using those products, so much depression, john doesn't know best, daddy's home, tears in my wheaties, 0/0 vision 4 life, holy shit awkward, way harsh dad, awkward :i, what is life, fml, jfc, john has sad, pain for life, oh god, fun family tiems, awkward family times ahead!, shaking&crying
ohturniton Dec 06, 2010 15:56
oops!, family is not cool, ;____;, totally okay, party over, welcome, sunglasses to hide my shame, shit i haven't been using those products, so much depression, john doesn't know best, lasagna for one, bad habits, confused, daddy's home, tears in my wheaties, 0/0 vision 4 life, holy shit awkward, way harsh dad, awkward :i, fml, jfc, oh god, smoking is bad (but oh so good), awkward family times ahead!, shaking&crying
ohturniton Nov 26, 2010 21:52
totally okay, 0/0 vision 4 life, party over, fml, way harsh ed, pain for life, advil anyone?, john doesn't know best
ohturniton Nov 01, 2010 17:46
oops!, family is not cool, totally okay, party over, sunglasses to hide my shame, so much depression, john doesn't know best, lasagna for one, confused, tears in my wheaties, holy shit awkward, way harsh dad, awkward :i, fml, john has sad, pain for life, fun family tiems, d:, shaking&crying
ohturniton Oct 28, 2010 10:44
oops!, totally okay, party over, sunglasses to hide my shame, good times!, tessa is a bamf gf, john doesn't know best, confused, what did i do last night?, 0/0 vision 4 life, fml, brb hangover, gtfo fanny, booze, pain for life, advil anyone?, d: